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Dr. Darren J. McAulay

(+44) 07092 840603
Skype: drdazmac



Email or phone Darren to discuss planning that great adventure!

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Round the Globe (April-June 2010)

07/07/2010 14:12

We (Robin and me) left the UK on April 21 and headed out to New Zealand. Stopping off in Hong Kong on the way out and Fiji on the way back.


After a week visiting Swill in Honkers we headed down to Christchurch, New Zealand.....and some peace and quiet after the city!

For the month of May we travelled the sights of both the South and North Islands (visiting old friends (skiing and ALE) on the way)


Lyttleton harbour and Mt. Cook.


Moeraki Boulders.....   Yellow-eyed Penguin and Alpine Parrot (Kea)


Gravity at work near Queenstown   


Milford Sound


Milford Sound again


Walking on water at Golden Bay, Takaka


We will take two please!


Back at the Carrot, Ohakune!!


Eddie and his Hot Rod!


West coast north of Auckland (the sun returns!)


Kayaking over the corals, Fiji


Robin taking it way easy, Fiji


Sunset over the islands Fiji.